Air Purifier Concept – The future of our planet – Clean air in cities – The future of a greener planet
Having clean air should be mandatory in all countries. It would take a leap step into a greener planet. You might ask yourself. What creates death on earth? It is not CO2, it’s all other types of particles and chemicals, all we throw away into nature. When we cut trees like maniacs it would be better to imagine cleaning the air in most polluting cities would be important. And how to prevent that thick air of death from spreading around the globe. And be a part of this way it renders death to plants and forests. Maybe by purifying the air? You might for far more help the planet into a new era. As we try to energize people about it, maybe you will understand that it’s about having clean air that means a lot to many. In China, big cities have thick smog of particles, and people are forced into bad air conditions. People living with huge amounts of…
Earth Core – Radioactivity Waste Junkyard – New Unique Idea – Invest DEGO
Earth’s interior is cooling down. Not fast, but faster than expected. Maybe something about trying to work it out before it turns grey? At least we’ve been through centuries using this earth. But we didn’t flourish as we should have been doing. Maybe all planets die out when we don’t maintain them, at least? When should we be doing it? Perhaps the future might tell us everything we dear to know. Maybe there are hidden realms beyond our planet. Does that somehow affect our progress in science? Earth’s Interior Is Cooling “Much Faster Than Expected” But we have a unique way to store radioactive junk in the core. To re-heat it if possible. But at least the whole idea goes up to where we flush the radioactive waste into the core. Would that be dangerous enough? Well perhaps it would, but not if the device is made of metal casing that withstands lava temperatures, that this device lowered into the…