Earth Core – Radioactivity Waste Junkyard – New Unique Idea – Invest DEGO

Earth’s interior is cooling down. Not fast, but faster than expected. Maybe something about trying to work it out before it turns grey? At least we’ve been through centuries using this earth. But we didn’t flourish as we should have been doing. Maybe all planets die out when we don’t maintain them, at least? When should we be doing it? Perhaps the future might tell us everything we dear to know. Maybe there are hidden realms beyond our planet. Does that somehow affect our progress in science? Earth’s Interior Is Cooling “Much Faster Than Expected” But we have a unique way to store radioactive junk in the core. To re-heat it if possible. But at least the whole idea goes up to where we flush the radioactive waste into the core. Would that be dangerous enough? Well perhaps it would, but not if the device is made of metal casing that withstands lava temperatures, that this device lowered into the…

Hybrid Cars – The Future of the Machines – The low Emission Engine Hydrogen Dioxide – Invest – Investing – Investment – Knowledge is Power

Hybrid cars are diligent. They are a genuine factor in new supercars where the battery is energized when we speak of efficiency by driving on a straight road. Hybrid cars often have a battery of some mileage than it can by using the brakes or driving downhill recharge the battery such the hill is 4 kilometers then the range you are trying to drive with that energized battery is about 4 kilometers on a straight road. Perhaps buying a Hybrid car as an electric vehicle would be best in countries with little electricity available. All you are trying to spend on gasoline is about 0.33 per mile, while regular cars drive 0.65 per mile. You can buy a hybrid car with about 100 kilometers range on the battery, then it’s convenient as an extra battery that can also become loaded with energy for a couple of miles while charging at home. We would enforce this singular act by deciphering the…

Bird Saver – For the Windmills – Unique Idea & Investment

Why would you want to kill birds? Why would you want nature to die? Why do we invest in Ponzi scheme windmills? So take out the investment and start investing into something strangely new. You have to ask your partners to provide a grid-like case that perhaps the whole article is about; you see the first picture of a grid around a windmill. Yes, that’s special. Genuinely we crafted this idea and made the image by ourselves. So all credit goes to the owners of this article. Nevertheless, wouldn’t you want this to come to your fields? Wouldn’t you want something that can lower the result of income by about 10% still the grid will save 99% of all birds, especially sea eagles and many animals that nearly are extinct because of someone scamming the government of some non-efficient and harmful windmills. And many others. This truly is a good idea. And we plan to tell a little about…

Sahara – The Golded Sand

There are so many things possible to garnish from Sahara by tomorrow in the future. If we already think about not polluting the earth. Imagine planting trees in Sahara… To garnish good vegetables as a way for farming on the sand. You would feed the mouth of all people in the world just by having some of the acres available for ecological agriculture. Today, an idea is to use very long tubes across the land from either Marokko or Egypt, somewhere between Sahara. With a machine that would clean out salt from the water by using the Mediterranean sea. With these heat times, even at the Northern shore in Africa, The ocean would be clean water by just drying the water on a big field, then harvesting the good salt from the sea. Still, we genuinely want to talk about a machine that earns energy on vapor by reversed waterfall technique. A machine gathers the vapor of the water and…